Concerts Given by the Dance Music Ensemble

Created by Beverley 9 months ago
David always radiated enthusiasm when explaining things to children - like  the parts of a clarinet, for example.  One day, he played "The Pink Panther", (with David Glynn Accompanying on piano), to a hall of small children, who were sitting on the floor.  Suddenly, after a few bars, he leapt up and , much to the children`s delight, started picking his way, still playing, through them with a P.Panther type walk, if you can imagine that!  He then went out through the door and continued playing as he ran down the corridor to the other hall entrance.  There was a loud report, as the door would not yield was locked(!!!)  More laughs as David retreated back to the first door and re-entered - but still playing all this time!  I actually recorded this happening; I don`t know about finding it now.  This happened many - many years ago (late eighties - early nineties), before the Dance Music Ensemble was disbanded. Precious memories indeed and I am extremely sad to have only just found out about his passing.   My sincere condolences B.W.